About me

Senior developer for Apple devices since 2010 from Madrid, Spain.

Over the years, I have continued to update and expand my knowledge in other languages and technologies, although my main focus remains native development using Objective-C and Swift (UIKit and SwiftUI) as programming languages.

In addition to my experience in software development, I also possess skills in managing technical teams and projects, as well as experience in using continuous integration platforms for application deployment and testing, applying design patterns, and Clean Code architectures in project development.

In my free time, I learn about game development with Unity, and I might upload videos about development to Udemy and YouTube.

What i'm doing

  • Mobile apps development

    Mobile apps development

    Professional development of applications for Apple devices.

  • Project manager

    Project manager

    Experience in project and team management.

  • Game development

    Game development.

    I'm trying to become an indie game developer with Unity.

  • Development courses

    Development courses

    I create courses and videos on game and app development on Udemy and YouTube.


Last education

  1. Udemy. Unity and C# Fundamental: 2D Game Development


    Learn solid programming basics and create your first 2D videogames with Unity and C#.

  2. Apple Coding Academy

    2018 — 2023

    Different courses in the last years:

    - App development with SwiftUI, Combine and Async/Await

    - Asynchronous Programming with Combine

    - Secure iOS development with Swift

    - Concurrency in iOS with Swift

    - Server-side Swift with Vapor 3

    - Learning Swift 5.5

  3. KeepCoding - Master KeepCoding Bootcamp


    Intensive programme for application development:

    - Git, GitHub & SourceTree

    - Advanced iOS development (Cocoa / Objective-C / Swift)

    - Advanced Android development

    - Backend development (Python/Django Api)

    - Web 2.0 application development (AngularJS/Html5/CSS3/JS)

    - BAAS (Backend as a Service: AWS/Azure/Parse)

    - TDD (Test Driven Development)

    - UX Design (Sketch)

  4. Official studies from Spain.

    2013 — 2014

    CFGS Web Applications Development in IES Virgen del Espino (Soria, España)

Last experience

  1. Freelance

    Senior Apple developer

    2021 - today

    As a senior developer with experience in iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, TvOS and macOS, my focus is to ensure that high quality solutions are delivered that meet user expectations and the business needs of the company. I have deep knowledge in developing native apps for multiple Apple platforms, as well as integrating cloud services and third-party APIs.

  2. Accenture

    Advanced Application Engineering Associate Manager - Lead Apple Team - Senior Apple developer

    2016 - 2023

    Team management and development of applications for Apple devices with agile methodologies and best practices.

  3. Hasten Group

    Lead Apple Team - Senior Apple developer

    2015 - 2016

    Team management and development of applications for Apple devices with agile methodologies and best practices.

  4. Aluxion Labs

    Senior Apple developer


    Development of applications for Apple devices with agile methodologies and best practices.

Last projects